Machine Learning Techniques for Gender Recognition and Age Prediction Using Digital Images of Human Dentition


  • Santosh K C Associate Professor, CS&E department, Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India. Author
  • Pradeep N Dean Academics, Professor and Head, Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science), Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology, Davangere, Karnataka, India. Author



Gender Determination, Age Estimation, Forensic Field, Medical Images, Orthopantomogram, Teeth Images


In today's digital age, the utilization of digital medical imagery is on the rise, since the increased computational power that enables the development of more advanced machine learning techniques. We have implemented a system capable of determining the gender and estimating the age of individuals based on digital images of their teeth. Teeth, being a robust and relatively unchanging part of the human body, serve as an ideal source for such analysis. By examining Orthopantomogram images, our system systematically extracts gender and age-related information. Developed using the Python programming language, our application is particularly valuable in forensic contexts, where traditional prediction methods can be time-consuming, often taking days. In contrast, our model delivers results in under a minute. We employed the Random Forest (RF) Classifier algorithm to deploy the prediction model, as it effectively addresses the overfitting issue associated with growing input sample sizes. With this approach, we have achieved an impressive accuracy rate of 94% in gender and age prediction.


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