Impact of Digital Public Framework on ICT And Digital Technology


  • Tanu Research Scholar, Computer Science & Applications, Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak, Haryana, India. Author
  • Dr. V. K. Srivastava Professor, Baba Mastnath University, Rohtak, Haryana, India. Author



Information and communication technology, Digital Technology, Digital Public Framework, DPI, ICT


Over the ages, ICT literacy had been ranging widely their importance and diversity for enabling the technological world while accessing the information, doing technologically based skills, performing complex tasks, and understanding the digital divide gap for expanding the access to hardware, software, networks, etc. Variety of ICT skills are used to get limited benefits- of technology applications and tools. A continued focus on building infrastructure should be complemented by an effort to identify, manage, evaluate, create information in a traditional sense and provide the use of technology with necessary tools to acquire digital knowledge. Numerous of the framework will be deployed and defined for measuring robust technology and determining the quality of digital knowledge. In this research paper, after discussing all digital knowledge representing components in sequence new public policies have been created by accessing, managing, integrating, evaluating, and designing five critical components. The innovated framework will provide skills and knowledge on the basis of an accepted definition of skills with information and communication technology. Also, this framework will identify the digital divide in between the accepted technology and accessing the resources.


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