The Necessity to Inculcate Moral Values to the Students


  • Dr. R. Annam Associate Professor, Department of English, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, India. Author
  • Mrs. Manneeswari Assistant Professor, Department of English, Arts and Science College, Pondicherry, India. Author
  • Mr. G. Chellapandian Guest Lecture, Department of English, Thiruvalluvar college of Arts and Science, Thirupatur. India. Author
  • Mr. M. Vijaakumar Assistant Professor, Department of English, Vel Tech Ranga Arts College, India. Author
  • Mrs. R. Sasikalaa Research scholar, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, India. Author



Teaching methodology, Social media, Moral values, Ethical values, Character building


Moral principles and ethics are necessary for success in life. One truly needs to possess a great deal of character strength in order to succeed. Professionals have been created successfully, but not humans. Tradition and moral values have not received enough attention in the current educational system.  Virtues like honesty, integrity, responsibility, respect, and empathy should be highly valued. The curriculum ought to incorporate these principles. It is the duty of educators and other staff members at educational institutions to consistently model moral behavior for pupils by acting morally and interacting with them. As a result, since students are more likely to emulate and adopt the behaviors they see their teachers and other role models modelling, it is important to establish an environment in the classroom that values kindness, respect, empathy, and inclusivity for all students. These programs can foster the development of commendable qualities through organized activities, group discussions, and self-reflection exercises. Now Rather of instilling moral principles in their children, parents are more preoccupied with their education. The majority of them are aware of what their kids get up to when they're not home. The goal of social media development was to provide a platform for interaction between individuals from various socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. But, unfortunately, the negative impacts on youth from social media are manifold compared to the positive outcomes. This paper focuses on the need to inculcate moral values among students.


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