Impact of AI on Education: A Review


  • Dr. Deshpande A.S Faculty – Department of Computer Engineering, Vilasrao Deshmukh Foundation, GOI, Latur, Maharashtra, India. Author
  • Dr. Mahajan S.R. Faculty - Department of AIML, Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, Maharashtra, India. Author
  • Dr. Kulkarni S.B Faculty - Department Computer Engineering, Sandipani Technical Campus, Latur, Maharashtra, India. Author
  • Prof Puri S.A Faculty - Department of Electrical Engineering, Vilasrao Deshmukh Foundation, GOI, Latur, India. Author



NLP, Educational Technology, AI Ethics, Personalized Learning, Educational Administration, Artificial Intelligence


The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on education. The scope of the study is limited to the application and effects of AI in administration, instruction, and learning. Artificial intelligence is a field of study and the resulting innovations and developments that have revolutionized in the field computers, machines, and other artifacts having human-like intelligence characterized by cognitive capabilities, learning abilities, adaptability and decision-making skills. The study assures that AI has extensively been adopted and used in education, particularly by education institutions, in different forms. AI initially took the form of computer and computer related technologies. Afterward transitioned into to web-based and online intelligent education systems. Now in this era with the use of computer systems embedded with other technologies, the use of human alike robots and chatbots to perform educator’s duties and functions independently or with the help of educators. Using these platforms, educator facilitators   have been able to perform different administrative functions, such as reviewing and grading students’ assignments more effectively and efficiently, and achieve higher quality in their teaching activities. On the other side, because the systems imparting machine learning and adaptability, curriculum and content has been customized and personalized according to the needs of students, which has developed awareness and retention, thereby improving learners interactive learning experience and overall quality of learning.


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