Exploring the viability of Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture in India


  • Bhargavi P Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (PT), Telangana Mahila Vishwavidhyalayam, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500095, India. Author
  • Usha Rani V Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Telangana Mahila Vishwavidhyalayam, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500095, India. Author




biological cycles, agro-ecosystem health, feed additives, companion planting, biological farming, Agricultural sustainability, organic products, Organic Farming


Organic farming commonly known as ecological or biological farming is a type of farming that emphasises methods like crop rotation and companion planting and employs organic fertilisers including compost manure, crop residues, mineral grade rock additives, green manure, and bone meal. Organic farming is an agricultural system that creates safe, healthy or environmentally friendly products and works in the protection of nature. It excludes the use of synthetic inputs such as fertilizers; hormones feed additives, herbicides, pesticides. In order to preserve ecological balance and safeguard the environment, organic farming was adopted. It supports and improves the health of the agro-ecosystem, including the biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. This paper aims to delve into the principles of organic farming and the concept of organic products. It also undertakes an analysis of the opportunities within the domain of organic farming and evaluates potential markets for organic products. Furthermore, the paper scrutinizes the challenges associated with marketing organic products. Organic farming provides nutrients to the plants and improves the physical and biological quality and characteristic of soil.


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