Energy Crisis Implications for Rural and Urban India: 2019 to 2024


  • Umang Gupta Assistant Professor, Gitam School of Business, Gitam University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Author
  • Vyomkesh Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, G.L. Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Author



Energy Crisis, Government Campaigns, Self Sufficiency


Nuclear energy is considered by many modern experts as a renewable energy. This is due to large reserves of thorium in the world and no carbon released in the production of nuclear electricity. In this research we perform qualitative descriptive analysis to find important points which will make protesters of nuclear energy begin a change of heart. The aim is to find important points that will be embedded in action plan solving the energy crisis by means of nuclear energy by public and private players. NPCIL (nuclear power corporation of India limited) has regained new vigor and energy in the wake of growing concerns of energy crisis, air pollution and global warming. The opinions of nuclear energy will be used to set basic layout to allay the fears of protesters and naysayers.


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