E-Marketing Effect on Consumer Buying Behavior


  • Dr. Rachna Thakkar Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, St. Xavier’s College of Management and Technology, Patna, India. Author




E-marketing, Consumer buying behavior, Digital marketing, consumer purchase behavior


The emergence of e-marketing has revolutionized the landscape of consumer behavior, profoundly impacting how individuals interact with brands, make purchasing decisions, and engage in commerce. This review paper synthesizes existing literature to examine the multifaceted effects of e-marketing on consumer buying behavior. Through a comprehensive analysis, key insights are drawn regarding the various ways in which e-marketing strategies, such as personalized recommendations, targeted advertising, and interactive experiences, influence consumer attitudes, preferences, and decision-making processes in the digital realm. Furthermore, the paper explores the role of social media platforms, technological advancements, and changing consumer expectations in shaping the e-marketing landscape. Ethical considerations, challenges, and future directions for research and practice are also discussed to provide a holistic understanding of the dynamic relationship between e-marketing and consumer behavior. Overall, this review contributes to a deeper appreciation of the complexities involved in navigating the e-marketing environment and underscores the importance of aligning marketing strategies with evolving consumer preferences and trends in the digital age.


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