Enhancing the Science Process Skills through Phet Simulation


  • Parthiban J Research Scholar, Department of Education (CDOE), Centre for Distance and Online Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. Author
  • Dr. Leo Stanly S Professor, Department of Education (CDOE), Centre for Distance and Online Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. Author




Science process skills, Phet Simulation, Chemical bonding


The aim of this study was to understand the science process skills among IX standard students with respect to Phet simulation.  Science education is much important to understand day to day life concepts and develops problem solving skills of the students. The single group design was adopted during the experiment. The investigator adopted purposive sampling technique for this study. The sample consists of 30 Students. Generally, science process skills are essential to understand science concepts.  The science process skills are classified basic and integrated process skills. The concept of chemical bonding in class IX is little complex to understand. To teach the concept, teacher needs an effective method. So, the investigator has adopted Phet simulation to understand the science process skills. Science process skills are the competencies and techniques of scientific methods which is necessary and sufficient condition to discover scientific knowledge. Phet simulations are interactive simulations that may scaffold the students to understand the concepts in terms of science process skills. This proposed study helped the science teacher to modify his or her instructional strategies with technical support and also for enhancing the performance of students in science subject.


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